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Call for papers
Núm. 30 (2019): Revista San Gregorio. SPECIAL EDITION-MARCH 2019
Núm. 30 (2019): Revista San Gregorio. SPECIAL EDITION-MARCH 2019
Formation of economic competence of the head of the educational organization in terms of professional development
Sergeeva M.G
PDF (English)
Identifying the administrator and teacher competencies according to the views of primary school administrators
Behçet Öznacar
PDF (English)
A Short Comment on the use of R_adj^2 in Social Science
Ahmed F. Siddiqi
PDF (English)
Professional self-determination as a quality criterion of competitive specialists training
Mokhammad Sarvar Mokhammad Anvar
PDF (English)
Organization of career support and development by means of building an individual educational trajectory
Sergeeva M.G.
PDF (English)
Bilingual Education as Basis of Multiculturalism in Murad Ramzi’s Concept
Azat G. Mukhametshin
PDF (English)
Emotional vocabulary and its functioning in story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin “Swamp”
Jalil S. Samedov
PDF (English)
Description of Picture with Application of Knowledge about Perspective during Teacher Training Practice at School
Svetlana I. Grakhova
PDF (English)
Subjectivity in the interpretations of financial performance
Natalya V. Tkachuk
PDF (English)
Organization of trade ports activity management in Europe at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century
Aleksandr V. Koval
PDF (English)
Analysis of environmental factors of enterprise at the regional market of oil products
Zarema M. Khasheva
PDF (English)
Comparative and legal study of the concept of crime under legislation of CIS countries
Sergej N. Bezugly
PDF (English)
Institute of public service in Russia and foreign countries: History of establishment and its modern characteristics
Galina S. Belyaeva
PDF (English)
Civil rights: How possible are the preconditions and provocation form Crimes in conditions of sanctions of foreign countries
Maxim A. Zinkovsky
PDF (English)
The state and trends of development of science and education in Modern Russian society
Galina I. Kolesnikova
PDF (English)
Food security management in Russia at the present stage of its development
L.E. Krasilnikova
PDF (English)
Uncertainty of the legal reality and sense of justice: theoretical and methodological aspects (on the experience of research status of public law)
Elena M. Krupenya
PDF (English)
People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education In Russia
Mariy A. Larionova
PDF (English)
Professional and Personal Self-Development of a Future Engineer by Means of Foreign Language
Fyarid K. Abdrazakov
PDF (English)
Constitutionalization of Assistance in Foreign Countries
Sergey A. Ivanov
PDF (English)
From Monarchy of Self-Holding- Zemesky to Self-Containing-Burocatic: Question of Russian Statehood Evolution in Early New Time
Vitaly V. Penskoy
PDF (English)
Government reform of the Prison Management System in the Post-Reform Imperial Russia
Nikolai I. Petrenko
PDF (English)
Mediation as an alternative dispute resolution: world experience
Kseniya I. Korobko
PDF (English)
Modern innovative technologies of teaching students
Veronika G. Semenova
PDF (English)
Teaching idioms in the Russian lessons as a foreign language
Emma L. Kokova
PDF (English)
The traditions of realism in the literary and philosophical concept of M.M. Filippova
Anna S. Ivanova
PDF (English)
The formation of health care thinking at early ages
Asiet A. Guchetl
PDF (English)
University students training and their organization
Natalia A. Bakholskaya
PDF (English)
Results of food import substitution in Russia
Tatyana M. Yarkova
PDF (English)
Zero waste as an economic criterion of efficiency of the mining enterprise’s activity
Vladimir I. Golik
PDF (English)
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