Specificity of development of medical tourism in Russia


  • Zukhra R. Ziganshina




medical tourism, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, health improvement, information asymmetry


The development of the world and national Russian markets of medical tourism is directly associated with the improvement of the population quality of life. The article clarifies the concept of medical tourism, and classifies its main types. The place and prospects of development of Russian medical tourism in the world are shown, including the export of medical services. The article summarizes the main directions and factors of the dynamics of domestic, inbound and outbound medical tourism of Russians. The need for certification of Russian medical institutions for compliance with national and international standards in the quality management system was defined. The strengthening of influence of self-regulating medical organizations on the processes of improving the professional qualification level of doctors and medical personnel, and ensuring the visibility of pricing for medical services were indicated. The measures for increasing the competitiveness of Russian medical tourism have been identified. They include the certification of medical institutions and quality of services, overcoming of information asymmetry, the formation of package services, subsequent remote supervision of patients, the implementation of projects for the promotion of domestic medical tourism facilities on the world market, the application of loyalty programs and co-branding.


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How to Cite

Ziganshina, Z. R. (2018). Specificity of development of medical tourism in Russia. Revista San Gregorio, 1(25). https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v1i25.782