Application of GIS technologies to display of archaeological heritage in the Republic of Tatarstan


  • Irina A. Rysaeva



gis technology, digital map, historical and cultural heritage, spatial position


The article describes the experience of developing GIS technologies of the archaeological heritage in the Republic of Tatarstan for further detailed study, conservation, keeping and systematization. Considered tools, sources of information, structure GIS and final products. The composition of the archaeological heritage includes burial and burial ground, settlement, settlements management, settlements, settlement, stone pillars, tombstones, places of old settlements, sanctuaries etc. To resolve this problem was created a GIS database that serves as the basis of archaeological GIS in the Republic of Tatarstan. A geodatabase was created on the platform ArcGIS. It includes a description of the monuments of archaeology, which contains geographic (spatial) and attributive (descriptive) information.  The main criterion for determining the scale of mapping of the territory is the spatial placing of objects of archaeological heritage.


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How to Cite

A. Rysaeva, I. (2019). Application of GIS technologies to display of archaeological heritage in the Republic of Tatarstan. Revista San Gregorio, 1(32), 51–56.