Talent management as a method of development of the human capital of the company


  • Robert R. Iscandarov




talent management, human capital, innovative economy, development map, mentoring, work competencies,


The development of an innovative economy, the acceleration of technological changes require new forms and methods to improve the human capital quality. Globalization and digitalization of the world require other methods of managing the organizations, other principles and approaches to working with the employees. In the current circumstances, it is especially important to develop the employees' talents, to form self-government for making effective decisions in changing conditions, to introduce flexible and effective labor methodologies, to create an organizational culture based on trust. The management of talented employees occupies an important place. Talent is seen as a demonstration by an employee of the consistently high labor results, the desire for self-education and self-realization. The use of talent development tools offered by the authors among the working professions in the innovative economy allows the companies achieving the strategic goals of bringing the economy to a qualitatively new level. Creating incentives for productive work, motivating successful workers will lead to improving their physical and intellectual capital. The authors singled out the actual factors stimulating the need to manage the talented employees of the working professions in the Russian companies, made an attempt to identify the development tools for the talented workers: individual development map, long-term professional career motivation, WorldSkills, mentoring, self-education and self-realization, generation of innovative ideas.


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How to Cite

Iscandarov, R. R. (2018). Talent management as a method of development of the human capital of the company. Revista San Gregorio, 1(25). https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v1i25.757