Influence of labor performance on client satisfaction at a Nikkei restaurant in Peru
customer satisfaction, employees, influence, job performanceAbstract
The objective of the research was to determine the influence of job performance on customer satisfaction in a Nikkei restaurant located in the district of Miraflores, Lima, Peru. The study was basic, correlational with a quantitative approach, and was also bivariate, since there were two study variables with a descriptive and cognitive nature. Two study samples were analyzed, 20 employees for the job performance variable and 400 clients for the customer satisfaction variable. Likewise, the design was an ex postfacto study, since it was shown to be the most appropriate to establish possible cause and effect relationships between the study variables. The Spearman classification coefficient was used, where the results demonstrated that there is positive classification between the variables. Finally, based on the results obtained, it is established that there is a relationship between job performance and customer satisfaction, also resulting in the fact that the dimension with the least influence on customer satisfaction is knowledge.
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