People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education In Russia


  • Mariy A. Larionova



human rights, the right to education, mental disability, constitutionalism, international human righ


This study was aimed at investigating the realization of the right to education as a human right for people with mental disabilities in the context of Russia. In the context of the present paper, mental disability is referred to the combination of various types of psycho-emotional disorders of behavior and mental retardation. According to the international human rights law, each person is born free and is equal in dignity and rights. By implementing international human rights standards into national legislation, the state undertakes a number of obligations towards its citizens, namely, to respect human dignity and create conditions for free development of the individuals, regardless of any classification presented in nosology. Considering the role of human rights as a universal mechanism for international control, a certain inconsistency was observed in national legislation regarding the legal status of various categories of people in the context of the study.


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How to Cite

A. Larionova, M. (2019). People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education In Russia. Revista San Gregorio, 1(30).