The state and trends of development of science and education in Modern Russian society


  • Galina I. Kolesnikova



power, society, economy, education, science, ideology, future, development, state, people, country


The article analyzes the state of education and science through the prism of socio-economic and ethical problems in modern Russian society. The subject of the research is the contents of the sections of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum devoted to education, science and personal development. Some speeches of iconic participants were analyzed. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors of the socio-philosophical and sociological directions. The methodological basis consists of the general philosophical principles of consistency, conformity, completeness, complementarity, determinism and verification. The study used such socio-philosophical methods as a method of historical and logical unity in social cognition, specifically historical, historical-retrospective, and comparative historical. The main findings of the study: the main orientation in modern Russian society is the effectiveness of business development without a focus on public interests; the main task formulated for other social spheres and contradicting the proper: what exactly politics, society, education, science should give to business. Economy and business, being one of the spheres of society, should ensure the development of the country and welfare of the people. The key to the development of the country and welfare of the people is science and education, which, cannot be regarded as a source of income. The existing substitution of goals will lead to irreversible consequences. Measures to remedy the situation can only be taken by power; to which people delegated authority, defining the main purpose of their activities directed towards the growth of people`s welfare  and the prosperity of the country.


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How to Cite

I. Kolesnikova, G. (2019). The state and trends of development of science and education in Modern Russian society. Revista San Gregorio, 1(30).