Civil rights: How possible are the preconditions and provocation form Crimes in conditions of sanctions of foreign countries
abuse of civil law, civil tort, crime, sanctions of foreign countries, provocation of crimeAbstract
The present article is devoted to the abuses and circumvention of regulations in the civil law, in the situation of foreign countries sanctions. Modern geopolitics ask for our country's timely legal and political reactions to the increasing sanctions of foreign countries. Such a situation is skillfully combined with the consequences of the global financial crisis and is a fertile ground for the growth of fictitious bankruptcies, unilateral refusal of fulfilling civil-law obligations, and actions to bypass the law. Abuses and circumvention of regulations in the civil law can be sustainable prerequisites for the growth of crimes in the conditions of sanctions in foreign countries. The work was performed under the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of young Russian scientists and candidates of Sciences (Competition – МК-918.2018.6). The subject of study is the «Legal challenges to improve the quality and competitiveness of goods, works and services under the sanctions of civil turnover of the Russian Federation».
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