National doctrine of human rights in the 21st century: value-normative and political-legal measurement


  • Marina. D. Fominskaya



state, personal dignity, spiritual and moral standards, national security, politics, law, human righ


The article analyzes the crisis of the liberal-democratic form of legal organization and the individualistic type of social integration, discusses the main approaches and research viewpoints on the relationship of spiritual and moral standards, human rights and freedoms, and the concept of national security in the 21st century. The authors discuss and formulate the basic principles and requirements for the formation of the national doctrine of human rights, represent its value-normative and political-legal characteristics, the role and importance of the latter in ensuring the sustainable development of the public system and national security. The paper proves the fundamental interrelation between human rights and duties and responsibilities, as well as the need to fix and harmonize the interests of the individual, society and the state in the national doctrine of human rights.


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How to Cite

D. Fominskaya, M. (2018). National doctrine of human rights in the 21st century: value-normative and political-legal measurement. Revista San Gregorio, 1(27).