The personal protection from racial discrimination in the conditions of fight against terrorism


  • Ekaterina A. Khuzina



international legal acts, discrimination, terrorism, protection, law, people.


In the context of economy globalization and the integration of interstate relations, as well as the short-sighted policies of the leaders of some countries, there is a serious danger of terrorist acts of various groups, arising on religious grounds. In such circumstances, the probability of racial discrimination is quite high. Racism needs neither explanation nor analysis. Its ineradicable slogans spread like a tide, which can flood society at any moment. The existence of racism does not require justification. This categorical statement, as absolute as the unprovable, means that racism has all the signs of an axiom. Racism is a concept, accessible to everyone, albeit not universally accepted. The more it is vague and seemingly obvious, the more effective and dynamic it is. The purpose of this work is to investigate the complex of criminally-legal and criminological problems of fighting against the incitement of national, racial or religious hatred in the conditions of terrorism. The article also proposes the scientific development of proposals and recommendations, aimed at improving of preventive activities, criminal legislation, as well as the practice of its application.


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How to Cite

Khuzina, E. A. (2018). The personal protection from racial discrimination in the conditions of fight against terrorism. Revista San Gregorio, 1(25).