Risks Of The High-Scale Immigration In The Public Discourse Of Russia


  • Vasil Sakaev




Russia, immigration, public discourse, risks, stereotypes, prejudice


The article is devoted to the study of public discourse in the Russian society in terms of immigration. The immigration has become an integral part of Russian reality and one of the most important factors in its development. Indeed, immigration is destiny for Russian society. So, these forecasts suggest that the number of migrants arriving into Russian Federation will increase in the short-to-medium-term. The arrival of migrants who are different from the host population raises serious concerns among people in Russian society. The part of these risks is justified and the rest is more the result of existing stereotypes and prejudices. The article aims to highlight the main scenarios related to the immigration risks assessment as well as to analyze the reasonableness of mentioned ideas. The article formulates some recommendations that can reduce conflict potential degree in migration flows and thus diminish the importance of some stereotypes and prejudices in the modern Russian society.


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How to Cite

Sakaev, V. (2018). Risks Of The High-Scale Immigration In The Public Discourse Of Russia. Revista San Gregorio, 1(23), 92–99. https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v1i23.683