The Culture Of Political Communication In Social Networks In The Republic Of Tatarstan


  • Ideliya Fanisovna Akhmetshina Kazan Federal University
  • Elmira Gabdullovna Akhmetshina Kazan Federal University



political communication, culture of political communication, social networks


In conditions of fast changes and economic transformations in social Russian world, the problem of civic participation in these processes is one of the most important, because today, traditional channels and mechanisms of interaction between the population and the state are imperfect. This article analyzes the status and the level of the regional political communications in social networks in Russia. It`s based on the research of accounts of authorities of Tatarstan Republic. The results of the study indicate that the level of activity of politicians in social networks, and the degree of their popularity of online diaries among the Internet audience is low.

In the course of the study, we faced the task to develop an understanding of the modern concept of "culture of political communication" because the concept and the sphere are at the stage of formation. In this article we have stopped to a greater extent on the normative definition of culture: when culture acts as a system of rules of almost all aspects of life and of human existence: perception, thinking, activities, behaviors.


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How to Cite

Fanisovna Akhmetshina, I., & Gabdullovna Akhmetshina, E. (2017). The Culture Of Political Communication In Social Networks In The Republic Of Tatarstan. Revista San Gregorio, 5(20), 162–169.