Linguistic Means Of Expression In Proverbs Of Tatar, Russian, Turkish


  • Damir H. Husnutdinov Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
  • Shukru Haluk Akalin Turkey, Ankara, Hacettepe University
  • Liliya M. Giniyatullina Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
  • Ramila K. Sagdieva Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication



the Tatar language, the Russian language, the Turkish language, proverbs, literary devices, linguist


Diverse means of expressiveness in context are used to intensify emotional impact, they also serve to catch the reader’s or the listener’s eye. A special role is played by the means of expressiveness in proverbs and sayings. Literary and linguistic means of expressiveness adorn proverbs, and help to disclose the semantic meaning that lies in these works of oral folk art. This article attempts to compare literary and linguistic means of expressiveness in Tatar, Russian and Turkish proverbs.

In the process ofstudying the proverbs about language, natural phenomena, relations between people, wealth and poverty, alien property, human character, animals and others, the authors compared them in terms of using literary and linguistic means of expressiveness in them. The proverbs of all three languages revealed the use of comparisons, although this device is used more oftenin Tatar and Russian. In the proverbs of the Tatar and the Russian languages, comparison is often commented on,the antonyms are usedto compare.


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How to Cite

H. Husnutdinov, D., Haluk Akalin, S., M. Giniyatullina, L., & K. Sagdieva, R. (2017). Linguistic Means Of Expression In Proverbs Of Tatar, Russian, Turkish. Revista San Gregorio, 5(20), 194–201.