Sports journalism and the role of academic training in the digital era in Ecuador




Formación profesional; Información; Influencia social; Investigación; Periodismo deportivo.


It has been questioned how Ecuadorian sports journalists perceive the influence of their academic preparation, or lack thereof, on their ability to innovate and adapt to new forms of communication and technology in the present digital age. For this reason, this research aimed to analyze the perceptions of sports journalists about the role of academic preparation in the face of the challenges and opportunities of the digital era in Ecuador. Research was carried out with a mixed, exploratory, descriptive and explanatory approach, its design was transectional and non-experimental. A documentary review was carried out and surveys were applied through a questionnaire. The results showed the main factors that are changing the production of sports content and how these are related to skills that must be acquired through academic preparation. The competencies that are considered essential for sports journalists in the current context were determined, highlighting the importance of adaptability and preparation to face the challenges of the digital era.


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How to Cite

Morales Verduga, R., & Cedeño Bravo , M. J. (2024). Sports journalism and the role of academic training in the digital era in Ecuador. Revista San Gregorio, 1(57), 73–88.