Early Intervention to Further Migrant Children’s Success in Turkish Education: The Example of the Netherlands


  • Seyfi ÖZGÜZEL




intercultural communication, citizenship, integration of syrian migrants, turkish language education


This study aims to highlight the problems of Syrian children in the educational proces and the relationships between family, school and social environment with examples. Besides, factors that hamper Syrian children’s participation and success in education will be identified and possible solutions for these problems will be presented by adressing Netherlands. To achieve peace in a multicultural society, it is necessary to remove mutual prejudices, create mutual empathy and achieve respect for cultural differences. Therefore, teachers in schools with a migrant children’s population need to be competent in the field of intercultural communication. Aiming to make them a productive citizin, problems in the education of migrant children urgently need to be solved. Coping with this relatively new phenomenon, educational progress of Syrian children can possibly be reached with the use of good practices of migrant children’s education in the Netherlands.


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How to Cite

ÖZGÜZEL, S. (2019). Early Intervention to Further Migrant Children’s Success in Turkish Education: The Example of the Netherlands. Revista San Gregorio, (36). https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v0i36.1230