Saving Private Money


  • Andino Maseleno



saving, cash withdrawal, information system


The savings and cash withdrawal application information system that runs on the new Bandung BMT el-ihsan KJKS it is still conventional so there are several problems in handling the process of presenting financial reports include delays in service to customers, and often occur reporting and recording errors. The main objective of this research is to present the system. Information in the form of applications that can be used to suit your needs. New system design using structured techniques where the system is modeled with a data flow diagram, database modeled using Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Input application creation savings and cash withdrawals in the new KJKS BMT el-ihsan Bandung using a programming language dhelphi 7 and ms access database. This research produces applications for savings and drag inputs cash, and with a new system can optimize the computer system in the process service to customers and reporting so that they can manage data well, for produce information that is easier and more accurate.


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. Huda, M., Maseleno, A., Muhamad, N.H.N., Jasmi, K.A., Ahmad, A., Mustari, M.I., Basiron, B. (2018b). Big Data Emerging Technology: Insights into Innovative Environment for Online Learning Resources. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 13(1), 23-36. doi:10.3991/ijet.v13i01.6990

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. Susilowati, T., Jasmi, K.A., Basiron, B., Huda, M., Shankar, K., Maseleno, A., Julia, A., Sucipto. (2018). Determination of Scholarship Recipients Using Simple Additive Weighting Method. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 119 (15), 2231-2238.

. Susilowati, T., Dacholfany, M.I., Aminin, S., Ikhwan, A., Nasir, B.M., Huda, M., Prasetyo, A., Maseleno, A., Satria, F., Hartati, S., and Wulandari. (2018). Getting parents involved in child’s school: using attendance application system based on SMS gateway. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 167-174.

. Susilowati, T., Teh, K.S.M., Nasir, B.M., Don, A.G., Huda, M., Hensafitri, T., Maseleno, A., Oktafianto, and Irawan, D. (2018). Learning application of Lampung language based on multimedia software. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 175-181.

. Abadi, S., Teh, K.S.M., Nasir, B.M., Huda, M., Ivanova, N.L., Sari, T.I., Maseleno, A., Satria, F., and Muslihudin, M. (2018). Application model of k-means clustering: insights into promotion strategy of vocational high school. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7 (2.27), 182-187.

. Aminudin, N., Huda, M., Ihwani, S.S., Noor, S.S.M., Basiron, B., Jasmi, K.A., Safar, J., Mohamed, A.K., Embong, W.H.W., Mohamad, A.M., Maseleno, A., Masrur, M., Trisnawati, and Rohmadi, D. (2018). The family hope program using AHP method. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 188-193.

. Wulandari, Aminin, S., Dacholfany, M.I., Mujib, A., Huda, M., Nasir, B.M., Maseleno, A., Sundari, E., Fauzi, and Masrur, M. (2018). Design of library application system. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 199-204.

. Aminudin, N., Huda, M., Mohamed, A.K., Embong, W.H.W., Mohamad, A.M., Basiron, B., Ihwani, S.S., Noor, S.S.M., Jasmi, K.A., Safar, J., Natalie, L., Ivanova, Maseleno, A., Triono, A., and Nungsiati. (2018). Higher education selection using simple additive weighting. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 211-217.

. Anggraeni, E.Y., Huda, M., Maseleno, A., Safar, J., Jasmi, K.A., Mohamed, A.K., Hehsan, A., Basiron, B., Ihwani, S.S., Embong, W.H.W., Mohamad, A.M., Noor, S..S.M., Fauzi, A.N., Wijaya, D.A., and Masrur, M. (2018). Poverty level grouping using SAW method. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 218-224.

. Abadi, S., Huda, M., Jasmi, K.A., Noor, S.S.M., Safar, J., Mohamed, A.K., Embong, W.H.W., Mohamad, A.M., Hehsan, A., Basiron, B., Ihwani, S.S., Maseleno, A., Muslihudin, M., Satria, F., Irawan, D., and Hartati. S. (2018). Determination of the best quail eggs using simple additive weighting. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 225-230.

. Abadi, S., Huda, M., Hehsan, A., Mohamad, A.M., Basiron, B., Ihwani, S.S., Jasmi, K.A., Safar, J., Mohamed, A.K., Embong, W.H.W., Noor, S.S.M., Brahmono, B., Maseleno, A., Fauzi, A.N., Aminudin, N., and Gumanti, M. (2018). Design of online transaction model on traditional industry in order to increase turnover and benefits. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 231-237.

. Abadi, S., Huda, M., Basiron, B., Ihwani, S.S., Jasmi, K.A., Hehsan, A., Safar, J., Mohamed, A.K., Embong, W.H.W., Mohamad, A.M., Noor, S.S.M., Novita, D., Maseleno, A., Irviani, R., Idris, M., and Muslihudin, M. (2018). Implementation of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process on notebook selection. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 238-243.

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. Aminudin, N., Fauzi, Huda, M., Hehsan, A., Ripin, M.N., Haron, Z., Junaidi, J., Irviani, R., Muslihudin, M., Hidayat, S., Maseleno, A., Gumanti, M., and Fauzi, A.M. (2018). Application program learning based on android for students experiences. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 194-198.

. Abadi, S., Teh, K.S.M., Huda, M., Hehsan, A., Ripin, M.N., Haron, Z., Muhamad, N.H.N., Rianto, R., Maseleno, A., Renaldo, R., and Syarifudin, A. (2018). Design of student score application for assessing the most outstanding student at vocational high school. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(2.27), 172-177.

. Ristiani, Pardimin, Teh, K.S.M., Fauzi, A., Hananto, A.L., Huda, M., Muslihudin, M., Shankar, K., and Maseleno, A. (2018). Decision Support System Model for Selection of Best Formula Milk for Toddlers Using Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. Special issue 2, pp. 2075-2088.

. Fauzi, Huda, M., Teh, K.S.M., Haron, Z., Ripin, M.N., Hehsan, A., Abas, H., Hehsan, M.R., Irawan, J., and Maseleno, A. (2018). The Design of Fuzzy Expert System Implementation for Analyzing Transmissible Disease of Human. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 10(4),68-78.

. Abadi, S., Huda, M., Teh, K.S.M., Haron, Z., Ripin, M.N., Hehsan, A., Sarip, S., Hehsan, M.R., Amrullah, M., and Maseleno, A. (2018). Hazard Level of Vehicle Smoke by Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Simple Additive Weighting Method. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 10(4),58-71.

. Pardimin, Apriadi, Ninsiana, W., Dacholfany, M.I., Kamar, K., Teh, K.S.M., Huda, M., Hananto, A.L., Muslihudin, M., Shankar, K., and Maseleno, A. (2018). Developing Multimedia Application Model for Basic Mathematics Learning. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 10(14), 1347-1356.

. Hamid, A., Sudrajat, A., Kawangit, R. M., Don, A. G., Huda, M., Jalal, B., ... & Maseleno, A. (2018). Determining basic food quality using SAW. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 3548-3555.

. Sari, N.Y., Huda, M., Teh, K.S.M., Ristiani, and Maseleno, A. (2018). Decision support system model for selection of best formula milk for toddlers using fuzzy multiple attribute decision making. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 7(4), 3556-3562.

. Oktafianto, Sudrajat, A., Kawangit, R.M., Don, A.G., Huda, M., Saputri, A.D., and Maseleno, A. (2018). Determining housing location using weighted product. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 7(4), 3563-3568.

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. Anggraeni, E.Y., Pardimin, Dacholfany, M.I., Akla, Huda, M., Teh, K.S.M., Hehsan, A., Junaidi, J., Yusof, F.M., Abas, H., Husin, M.F.A., Apriani, D., and Maseleno, A. (2018). Modelling effectivenes of IS learning methodology with AHP method. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 4708-4714.

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How to Cite

Maseleno, A. (2019). Saving Private Money. Revista San Gregorio, 1(32), 204–211.