Revision policies

The arbitration system is based on the system of peers who are selected according to their research area with anonymous evaluations.

 The articles are processed in the Open Journal System where the author registers the document indicating under oath the following:

 The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).

The submission file is in Microsoft Word.

Wherever possible, DOI or URLs are provided for references.

The text has single spacing; 12 point font size; Times New Roman style; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.

The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.

If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring anonymous evaluation should be followed.

There are no controversies between authors in articles written in co-authorship.

Revista San Gregorio  has a list of evaluators, represented in the first instance by the international editorial committee and by evaluators who have been selected and certified their work as members of the scientific council.  At all times, efforts are made to ensure that the evaluators remain anonymous, that is, the identity of the author of the article and that of the evaluators will be preserved. Eventually, there may be a second evaluation of a given text by the same external peer or by a third party considered by the editorial committee.

The reviews will be subject to a single evaluation commissioned by the academic editor and the director of the journal, and in this case their possible publication will be an internal decision of the editorial committee of the journal.  Eventually, for these materials the evaluation can be carried out by the members of the Editorial Board of the Journal, although the anonymity of the author will also be preserved.

 It is the decision of the Editorial Committee to publish the articles.

Revista San Gregorio reserves the copyright on the published contributions, without material remuneration for the author, and they are available online in OPEN ACCES mode, through the system itself or in other data banks and/or digital repositories. The San Gregorio Magazine may also make, in the originals, alterations of a normative, orthographic and grammatical nature, with the attempt to maintain the rigor of the language in which the text sent by the author to the magazine is written, and counting on the acceptance of this. The opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility.

This publication is funded by San Gregorio University, and is distributed free of charge. Their authors do not receive any financial remuneration for the publication of their articles, in the same way the blind peers do not receive any financial remuneration for the evaluation of the articles.

These data and the rest of the policies of San Gregorio magazine are transparently displayed on the journal's platform.