Digital preservation policy

Revista San Gregorio recognizes the importance of digital preservation of its content to ensure long-term access to published articles. Therefore, it adopts strategies and measures to safeguard its scientific production, ensuring the integrity, authenticity, and accessibility of documents on its Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform.

To guarantee the preservation and continuous availability of published content, the journal implements the following strategies:

Backup and storage

  • All articles and metadata are stored on backup servers with periodic security copies.
  • An automated daily backup of the OJS system is performed, ensuring data recovery in case of technical failures or data loss.

Preservation in repositories

The journal maintains copies of its publications in academic repositories and digital preservation platforms, including:

  • PKP PN (Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network): An integrated system within OJS that ensures the long-term preservation of academic journals.
  • Institutional Repository: Copies are stored in the institutional repository of Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo.

File formats

Articles are preserved in widely used open-access formats such as PDF/A, XML (JATS), HTML, and EPUB, ensuring their accessibility over time.

Version Control and Authenticity

  • Each document published in the journal is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ensuring its unique identification and online permanence.
  • Version records are maintained in OJS to preserve a history of modifications and guarantee the authenticity of published documents.

Migration and technological updates

  • In the event of technological obsolescence, files will be migrated to formats compatible with new platforms and preservation standards.
  • The journal periodically evaluates the compatibility and operability of files in its system.

Access and retrieval

  • Preserved articles can be retrieved through the implemented storage systems and integration with Web of Science, SciELO Ecuador, Dialnet, Latindex, Google Scholar, CrossRef, and other academic databases in which the journal is indexed.
  • In case of loss of access to the primary platform, copies will be activated on alternative servers to ensure content availability.

This policy ensures that the content of Revista San Gregorio remains accessible, authentic, and secure over time.