Advanced development zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR


  • Yuliya S. Lebedinskaya



Advanced development zones, integration, territorial structuring, structural-functional approach, cl


The study of advanced development zones as part of the territorial structuring system of Primorye and as the basis for the development of integration ties with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region is of particular interest to the scientific community, because this makes it possible to trace the formation of recreational and tourist clusters within the borders of the advanced development zone. Creating an economic supporting structure by integrating transport and transit infrastructure and cooperative ties into an integrated system at the regional level will allow identifying the activities of the tourist industry within a certain territory and the direction of their regional integration in the Asia-Pacific region. The purpose of the work is to comprehensively analyze the elements of the tourism oriented territorial structure in the development of the foundations of regional cross-border cooperation. The authors applied structural-functional and cluster approaches, which allow them to comprehensively consider the components of the territorial structuring of the tourism industry as a single system for the development of the Primorye recreational complex. The methodological base of the research was grounded on the analysis of recreational and tourist advanced development zones in Primorye. As a result of this study, the recreational and tourist sectors of the region were analyzed, potential prerequisites for the development of cooperative tourism ties at the regional level and their integration into the Asia-Pacific region were identified; The estimated location of the projected tourist clusters in Primorye is indicated, a map has been drawn up on this basis and the basic framework of the tourist industry of the region has been determined, and its strategic assessment of tourist attraction has been given. Ultimately, the integrated application of special theoretical approaches in the study of the territorial structuring of the Primorsky Territory in the field of tourism allows features and patterns to identify, as well as prerequisites for the formation and development of the tourism industry within the borders of advanced development zone, and to determine regional integration links of cross-border cooperation in recreational and tourist activities.


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How to Cite

S. Lebedinskaya, Y. (2018). Advanced development zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR. Revista San Gregorio, 1(27).