Indicators Of Patriotism's Reproduction As A Marker Of Identification Matrix In Youth Environment Of Multiethnic Society


  • Lidiya I. Scherbakova



Patriotism, patriotic education, Russian identity, state-civil identity, civic patriotism, youth, pa


Patriotism as a multilevel phenomenon and the most important factor in the formation of identification guidelines and solidarist practices attracts much attention of the scientific community today. This problem is especially of current interest in the Russian scientific community as modern Russia seeks for indicatives of the all-Russian identity. However, it forms significant difficulties in the scope of the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural composition of Russian. The authors of this article consider that patriotism is as an indicator that can become the basis for the identification matrix of Russians as representatives of various ethno-cultural and age groups living in different regions of the country. So patriotism is important for young people. The younger generation is as the main resource of social reproduction and as the future image of any state. Therefore sociological analysis of indicators of patriotism's reproduction in its environment becomes fundamentally important. Processes of the formation of patriotic attitudes are as complex and contradictory in a multi-ethnic environment. For this reason the authors pay attention to the southern region as the most multi-ethnic region of the Russian state. The sociological empirical research was carrying out in Dagestan. We can to identify the main indicators of the formation and patriotism's reproduction in the youth environment of this region and also a number of problems impeding the becoming of a mature state-civil (Russian) youth identity by it. The authors think that these problems determine the need for the activity component in the system of indicators of patriotism. The last of them based on love for the Motherland as the emotional-sensory perception of phenomenon. The authors of this article are convinced of patriotism's impossibility without education of civic responsibility and readiness to act (work, study) for our Fatherland. This statement based on concept of civic patriotism which was chosen as methodological basis of this research. We consider patriotism as the most important resource for the formation of state-civic identity in the methodological scopes. Not only the study of patriotism, but also the developments of recommendations in the sphere of patriotic education of youth are relevant to prevent the risks of forming nationalistic attitudes that are very dangerous for multiethnic societies and states.


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How to Cite

I. Scherbakova, L. (2018). Indicators Of Patriotism’s Reproduction As A Marker Of Identification Matrix In Youth Environment Of Multiethnic Society. Revista San Gregorio, 1(27).