Proprietary security and legal assets of its provision


  • Ainur G. Demieva



property security, National security, Property, Vindication, Theft


It is difficult to overestimate the historical significance of property for a man and society. The protection of property is carried out both by an owner directly, and by the state on behalf of law enforcement bodies. A set of elements of property legal protection is the mechanism for property security provision. Nowadays, as the part of security science (SOS) development, scientific research of national security various areas is of particular importance. Law is the main tool for national security provision. The legal means make it possible to ensure the security of an individual, society and a state in a comprehensive manner. The article reflects the results of the category "property security" study, primarily from the theoretical and legal positions, including the study of the conceptual apparatus, as well as the place of property security in the national security system. Besides, they considered civil-law and criminal-legal mechanisms for its provision. In the authors' opinion, property security is an integral part (kind) of national security along with economic, information, environmental and other types. The authors came to the conclusion that property security is ensured in the unity of three legal mechanisms: the exercise of property self-defense right by an owner; a civil-law mechanism for property security and, above all, vindication provision; criminal-legal means of property security provision.


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How to Cite

G. Demieva, A. (2018). Proprietary security and legal assets of its provision. Revista San Gregorio, 1(27).