Ethical Aspects Of The Journalistic And Advertising Texts’ Analysis


  • Svetlana Kryukova



journalistic text, advertising text, professional ethics of journalists, conflict generating texts,


Article is devoted to a problem of media texts (journalistic and advertising) compliance to ethical standards: to ethical standards of professional community and norms of media ethics.

The research is conducted with the use of the "humanitarian expertise» principles and the semantic analysis method.

In journalistic texts professional ethics standards violation is revealed. Advertising texts contain intended elocution violations.

Non-compliance with ethical standards can be motivated by a divergence between them and other professional requirements to the journalistic and advertising text. In case of such divergences authors neglect requirements of ethics. The inattention reasons to ethical aspects of media texts: insufficiently accurate wording of ethical standards in Codes of professional ethics.

Violations of professional ethics standards and language ethics demand discussion by professional community for improvement of professional standards and developing prevention mechanisms for such violations.


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How to Cite

Kryukova, S. (2018). Ethical Aspects Of The Journalistic And Advertising Texts’ Analysis. Revista San Gregorio, 1(23), 140–147.