Axiological approach to law in I. Kant’s doctrine


  • Olga M. Belyaeva Kazan Federal University, Institute in Naberezhnye Chelny



Kant, categorical imperative, hypothetical imperative, the legality of an act of man, a law-based st


This article outlines the views of the founder of the German classical philosophy of Immanuel Kant on the nature and essence of the state and law, namely, studies the concept of the state as a “night watchman”, analyzes the draft of the jural state, reveals the concepts of categorical and hypothetical imperatives, from which the thinker deduces morality and legality of people’s actions. Kant is first to draw attention to the need to comply with a number of conditions (basic and preliminaries) when concluding peace treaties between the states.

Kant became the founder of the value approach to law. The concept of law is interpreted by the thinker exclusively as a combination of coercion with the freedom of the person: “law is a set of conditions under which the arbitrariness of one person is compatible with the arbitrariness of another in terms of the general law of freedom”. Thus, the law of Kant is reduced to the system of laws, i.e. to the objective law. In this case, natural law is called by the thinker as private law, and positive law as public law.


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How to Cite

M. Belyaeva, O. (2017). Axiological approach to law in I. Kant’s doctrine. Revista San Gregorio, 5(20), 32–39.