Impact of Periodontal Disease on the Quality of Life of Adult Patients




Quality of life, periodontal disease, OHIP-14, public health


Periodontal diseases are a very common cause of tooth loss in adults. The aim of the study was to compare the severity of periodontal disease with the quality of life of adult patients treated at the periodontology clinics of San Gregorio University of Portoviejo from January 2022 to December 2023. A quantitative study was conducted using a deductive approach and a retro-prospective cross-sectional design. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was employed based on selection criteria, resulting in a total of 75 participants. The collected data were entered into SPSS version 26 for processing and analysis. Data analysis confirmed the presence of four stages of periodontal disease in the sample, with Stage II being the most predominant. The assessment of quality of life, measured through the OHIP-14 questionnaire, revealed that the progression of the disease primarily affected three domains: functional limitation, discomfort, and psychological disability. Conversely, the dimension showing the least impact, regardless of disease progression, was disadvantages. The research findings confirmed that the progression of the disease had a negative impact on various domains of quality of life.


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Author Biography

Kiara Mishelle Domo Moreira, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo



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How to Cite

Klimecki, E. ., Murillo Almache, Ángela M., & Domo Moreira, K. M. . (2024). Impact of Periodontal Disease on the Quality of Life of Adult Patients. Revista San Gregorio, 1(60), 80–88.