Smile design with ceramic veneers and crown lengthening technique. Case report




ceramic veneers, smile design, dental aesthetics, smile, crown lengthening


Currently, Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry covers the care and improvement of the appearance of the smile design with ceramic veneers, a dental procedure that is used to improve dental and facial aesthetics. These veneers are a suitable option to correct aesthetic imperfections such as changes in tooth color, fractures, previous restorations, dental alterations, among others. Based on the correct treatment plan, analyzing the shape, color and anatomical details of the teeth, it is possible to obtain a natural appearance and occlusal functionality.  In this case report, the objective of which was to describe the smile design procedure implemented through the use of ceramic veneers and the crown lengthening technique in a patient treated at the postgraduate clinic of the San Gregorio University of Portoviejo (USGP). During the year 2023, the case of a 24-year-old female patient is presented who attended the consultation to improve a previous resin restoration that had presented a change in tooth color. After an evaluation, it was determined that the most appropriate option to achieve the desired aesthetic results was the use of ceramic veneers. This choice was based on the veneers' ability to provide an effective and aesthetically satisfying solution to the patient's tooth coloring and restoration problem.


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How to Cite

Mejía Toromoreno, M. L. ., & Valdés Domech, H. (2024). Smile design with ceramic veneers and crown lengthening technique. Case report. Revista San Gregorio, 1(59), 115–123.