Levels of reflection revealed by students of a special teaching education, a view from the final year of training





pedagogical practice, special education, higher education, teacher training


In Chile, students in teacher education programs have shown low levels of reflection in the National Diagnostic Evaluation from 2018 to 2023. This research aims to describe the levels of reflection among final-year students in the Special Education Teaching Program at a university in southern Chile. A qualitative approach with an instrumental case study design was employed, involving eight students in their professional practice. Data collection included semi-structured interviews and analysis of the teacher's reflective journals. The results reveal a conceptual framework that outlines the reflective process of the students, identifying a central category called levels of reflection associated with two subcategories: the first is the action level, which reflects the improvement proposals made by the students, and the second is the change level, which shows the implemented improvement actions. Both subcategories are linked to their respective codes. It is concluded that while the program encourages reflection for improving one's practice, the depth of the reflections observed is not as profound or critical as expected.


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How to Cite

Sierra Suazo, P. A. ., & Mansilla Sepúlveda, J. G. . (2024). Levels of reflection revealed by students of a special teaching education, a view from the final year of training. Revista San Gregorio, 1(60), 89–97. https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v1i60.3202