Socialization, Psychosocial Risks and Burnout in different Work Arrangements in Mexico
Work Organization, Organizational Socialization, Burnout, Mental Health, Work WellbeingAbstract
This article proposed to establish a mediation model between workload, organizational socialization, and burnout in hybrid workers in Mexico. Information was collected through a questionnaire of sociodemographic characteristics and instruments to evaluate psychosocial Factors such as “workload”, “content and characteristics of the task”, “organizational socialization”, and the side effects scale of the “General work wellbeing questionnaire”. Multiple mediation analysis was used, Hayes equation 6, with two mediating variables; and age and sex as covariates. Of the 371 participants, 66.84% were women, and the most common form of work was completely remote (42.6%). The multiple mediation analysis demonstrated that workload generates collateral effects in hybrid employees directly and incrementally (b:0.64; 95% CI, 0.43-0.84); the content and characteristics of the task indirectly and incrementally (b: 0.24; 95% CI, 0.13 - 0.36), and a decremental indirect effect of workloads through socialization (b: 0. 12; 95% CI, 0.008-0.00063). The model confirms that the collateral effects in hybrid employees are an incremental product of the quantitative and qualitative workload, and that they are mitigated by organizational socialization.
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