Industrial recycled polymer matrix, proposed application in construction: Portoviejo and Medellín




Recycled industrial polymers, panels, circular economy, mechanical strength of materials


This research is oriented towards the implementation of good environmental practices using post-industrial plastic waste as an alternative material for non-conventional construction systems. This is why it was decided to develop a matrix of recycled polymers to obtain plates that can be applied in the construction of masonry, according to the results of tensile and compressive stress, this new proposal of composite material is studied in the cities of Portoviejo and Medellin; The project consists of three phases, applying bibliographic and experimental research where low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are subjected to controlled temperatures to subsequently achieve a matrix of composites that when cooled can have multiple uses such as: planks, blocks, caps, signage, chairs, among others. As a result, we found that the recycled industrial thermoplastic polymer matrix works efficiently with a 1:1:1 ratio of low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene and polypropylene, achieving deformations of 15%. This material is proposed as a 50x10x7 cm. panel which, assembled as a plate with another type of tongue and groove, can be applied as masonry for housing, wall cladding or slab relieving.


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How to Cite

Rivas-Cantos, E. R., Morejón, P. D., & San Andrés-Zevallos, G. . (2024). Industrial recycled polymer matrix, proposed application in construction: Portoviejo and Medellín. Revista San Gregorio, 1(60), 71–79.