Corporate labor welfare and professional development: the case of an Ecuadorian banana company




Quality of working life, Job satisfaction, Career development, Occupational mobility, Social Work


The importance of workplace well-being lies in improving the quality of life of workers, which results in work performance and therefore in the productivity and significance of the company. To this end, more and more measures are being adopted that address these issues, one of which is dual vocational training. The purpose of this study was to analyze professional development through a dual professional training process carried out in a banana company in Ecuador. A mixed methodology was applied where the quantitative analysis technique was incorporated to complement the qualitative results. It took as reference the items proposed for work well-being and the direct observation carried out by the Social Worker. The sampling was intentional, selecting 7 workers from different departments who participated in training programs. Discourse analysis was applied. The results revealed that the workers participated in the training to improve and update their knowledge for their area of ​​work, that they felt recognized by both their bosses and their coworkers, and that their work was attractive. All of them had salary increases after completing the training. It is concluded that the training programs developed in companies contribute to improving the quality of life, performance and productivity; and that Social Work can contribute significantly to its implementation.


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Author Biographies

Serela F. Sánchez Zambrano, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador

Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. Aspirant to a Master's Degree in Social Work, Techniques and Intervention at the Technical University of Manabí. Social worker in Reybanpac and currently social worker in the health area of the General Hospital Quevedo.

Johanna Alexandra Reina-Barreto, Technical University of Cotopaxi

Research Professor of the Social Work programme at the Technical University of Cotopaxi - Ecuador.
Professor of the Master's Degree in Social Work with a specialisation in Techniques and Intervention at the Technical University of Manabí - Ecuador.
She is a researcher in the areas of gender-based violence, maternity among university students, social support networks, groups at risk of social exclusion (homeless people, children and young people, older adults, immigrants), community organisation processes: theatre and social mapping as techniques for social research-intervention; female empowerment; supported employment, regrouping processes in transnational immigrant families.

PhD Cum Laude in Social Work from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Community Social Work by the Complutense University of Madrid. Specialist in Planning, Management and Evaluation of Social Services. Specialist in Community Development.
Social Worker from the Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Zambrano, S. F., & Reina-Barreto, J. A. (2024). Corporate labor welfare and professional development: the case of an Ecuadorian banana company . Revista San Gregorio, 1(59), 1–10.