Analysis of the corporate visual identity of the digital journalistic media of Manabí




Audience and engagement; corporate visual identity; design and visual strategy; digital communication; digital journalistic media.


In the current context of digital communication in Manabí, digital journalistic media play a fundamental role in the dissemination of news, adapting to a connected and demanding public. This study focuses on understanding the corporate visual identity of these media, evaluating design, colors, typographyand visual elements in its online projection. A mixed approach was used, selecting five media by scope and trajectory. The findings revealed the prioritization of visual content, with images and videos as tools to engage audiences and strengthen brand recognition. This strategy is aligned with digital marketing trends, although some media could improve visual consistency and audience interaction. The research highlights the importance of visual identity in the perception of digital media and its influence on online recognition. Results indicate that audience interaction and engagement can be enhanced by strategies observed in certain media, reflecting on the virality and reach of journalistic content, providing valuable insights for digital media in a highly competitive and ever-changing environment.


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Author Biography

Cesar E. Andraus, Universidad San Gregorio de Portovisjo

Graphic Designer from Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (Bogotá, Colombia). Master in Marketing from the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (Guayaquil, Ecuador). PhD student in Communication from Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar (Quito, Ecuador). Professor of Communication at the Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Executive Editor of Editorial San Gregorio. Email:


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How to Cite

Andraus, C. E., & Ramírez, E. T. (2024). Analysis of the corporate visual identity of the digital journalistic media of Manabí. Revista San Gregorio, 1(58), 63–69.