Eating habits and their relationship with dental erosion: a systematic review


  • María Isabel Santos Rojas Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
  • Alda Noelia Alarcón Barcia Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
  • Karla Lissette Gruezo Montesdeoca Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo



eating habits, dental erosion, acidity of food, erosive lesions


Dental erosion corresponds to the irreversible loss of the dental surface by the chemical action of acids, where bacteria do not interfere. Erosive lesions are clinically characterized by a smooth, opaque and transparent surface, an intact enamel contour at the margin gingiva, loss of dental morphology, presence of superficial depressions and caries, and in severe cases of dentin and dental pulp. One of its etiological factors is eating habits, since food acids are precursors for dental erosion. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between eating habits and dental erosion. An systematic review was carried out, using SciELO, Redalyc, Medigraphic, PubMed, ResearchGate, and the Google Scholar metasearch engine as information sources, of the works published between 2017-2021. The search was based on the study of the variables: dental erosion; dental corrosion, eating habits; treatment and prevention of dental erosion. It was possible to determine that the relationship between eating habits and dental erosion is due to the acidity of the food, acid is the main cause of erosion and the possibility of erosion increases with the frequency of its intake. Knowledge of the foods that cause the pathology guarantees direct prevention and avoids the execution of invasive treatments.


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How to Cite

Santos Rojas, M. I. ., Alarcón Barcia, A. N. ., & Gruezo Montesdeoca, K. L. . (2023). Eating habits and their relationship with dental erosion: a systematic review. Revista San Gregorio, 1(55), 181–201.