Pedagogical technology: A specific historical approach


  • Abykanova Bakytgul
  • Kussainov Gabit Muckanaevich
  • Vasilyeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
  • Shalgynbaeva Kadisha Kadyrovna
  • Igibayeva Ainagul K.
  • Tautenbayeva Ainagul
  • Tanirbergenova Anar Shinbolatovna
  • Tabyldieva Oryngul



pedagogical technology, group learning, collective learning, new and the latest pedagogical technolo


In the present context of numerous reforms, modernization and upgrading, much attention is given to the content of education, while the technological bases of education, which has not been subjected to redesigning for decades, is virtually neglected. It resulted in the decline in the quality of education, which is illustrated by the data of international studies PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS, etc. In regard to the above, this article examines the questions of organization of educational process, the core component of which are general forms of education that depending on the specific historical conditions dominate in its organizational structure.


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How to Cite

Bakytgul, A., Gabit Muckanaevich, K., Ekaterina Nikolaevna, V., Kadisha Kadyrovna, S., Ainagul K., I., Ainagul, T., Anar Shinbolatovna, T., & Oryngul, T. (2021). Pedagogical technology: A specific historical approach. Revista San Gregorio, 1(44).