Legal Fixation Of The Use Of The Best Available Techniques In Environmental Management As A Global Trend


  • Nadezhda M. Mityakina
  • Aleksey S. Fedoryaschenko
  • Vladimir I. Yevtushenko
  • Salman U. Dikaev
  • Ekaterina M. O.



best available techniques, BAT reference documents, BAT conclusions, directive 2010/75/EU, principle


O article provides a general view of the legal regulation of technical data available in the European Union, the United States, in Russia from the beginning of this day. Various scientific methods are generated and the methods of logical cognition are used without work: analysis and synthesis, systemic, functional and logical-formais approaches. The development of the conclusions was facilitated by the application of two legal-formal and comparative legal methods.


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How to Cite

M. Mityakina, N., S. Fedoryaschenko, A., I. Yevtushenko, V., U. Dikaev, S., & M. O., E. (2021). Legal Fixation Of The Use Of The Best Available Techniques In Environmental Management As A Global Trend. Revista San Gregorio, 1(44).