Improving the methodological approach to identifying financial risks in the context of macroeconomic instability of the economy


  • Khamzina O. I.
  • Meshkov S. A.
  • Saenko I. I.
  • Sharipov R. R.
  • Tretyak A.S.
  • Bochkareva N.G.



financial sector, commercial organization, financial risk, inflation, margin, costs


The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that any area of commercial activity is subject to different types of financial risks, which humanity had to observe in difficult epidemiological conditions associated with the spread of coronavirus infection. The lightning-fast spread of Covid-19 around the world led to significant volatility in the stock market, which in a short time collapsed to the level of twenty years ago. It follows that the study of financial risks is the most relevant topic in modern times.


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How to Cite

O. I., K., S. A., M., I. I., S., R. R., S., A.S., T., & N.G., B. (2021). Improving the methodological approach to identifying financial risks in the context of macroeconomic instability of the economy. Revista San Gregorio, 1(44).