State And Legal Doctrines Of Russia Of The 19th Century - First Centuries Of The 20th Century In Its National-Cultural Dimension: Update Problems, Methodology And Systematization


  • Evgeny A. Apolsky
  • Andrey Yu. Mordovtsev
  • Tatyana V. Mordovtseva
  • Valery K. Tsechoev
  • Maryna G. Khaustova



state legal doctrines, national-cultural dimension, science of state law, thesis, monograph.


The article addresses the problem of finding an effective research methodology and systematization of Russian state legal doctrines from the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century within the framework of its national and cultural dimension. Despite the research currently available on the individual legal doctrines of the Russian Empire, the context proposed by the authors requires their comprehensive study, general theoretical analysis and systematization, which is only possible if there is a proven methodological basis.


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How to Cite

A. Apolsky, E., Yu. Mordovtsev, A., V. Mordovtseva, T., K. Tsechoev, V., & G. Khaustova, M. (2021). State And Legal Doctrines Of Russia Of The 19th Century - First Centuries Of The 20th Century In Its National-Cultural Dimension: Update Problems, Methodology And Systematization. Revista San Gregorio, 1(44).