Social communication of public authorities in the system of potential manifestations of corruption


  • Serhii S. Vitvitskyi
  • Olha M. Andrieieva
  • Anna B. Stychynska
  • Mykola G. Karashchuk
  • Olena O. Polovko



Social Communication, The Public Authorities, Manifestation of Corruption, Democracy, Media Freedom,


The study analyzed works on corruption and social communication, documents of international organizations on these issues, proving that corruption results in costs for resources and affects the indexes of income and investment resources, formation of human capital and labor supply. Corruption is caused by: non-systematic nature of social and economic policies; underdevelopment of the legal system and legal provision of anti-corruption policy; limited performance of duties by control bodies etc. Based on the studies main forms of corruption manifestation were distinguished.


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How to Cite

S. Vitvitskyi, S., M. Andrieieva, O., B. Stychynska, A., G. Karashchuk, M., & O. Polovko, O. (2020). Social communication of public authorities in the system of potential manifestations of corruption. Revista San Gregorio, 1(42).