Exercise of the right of healthcare workers to rest in the context of fighting Covid-19: experience of PRC, USA, EU countries


  • Yuliya S. Khobbi
  • Oleksandr M. Kurakin
  • Anfisa Y. Nashynets-Naumova
  • Ganna S. Yermakova
  • Viktor О. Gubka




COVID-19 Pandemic, Working Hours, Organization of Work, Right to Rest, Social Benefits, Foreign Expe


The COVID-19 pandemic is a complex global crisis in which countries must be prepared for a virus outbreak in advance. The consequences of the pandemic have a detrimental effect on international relations, the world economy, and are accompanied by forced restrictions on the constitutional rights of citizens. The main goal was to realize the right of healthcare workers to rest in the conditions of fighting COVID-19, minimizing risks, and current organizational costs while maximizing the efficiency of employees' working time. The initial position is that excessive exploitation of healthcare workers without appropriate time for a rest increases the risks not only of the healthcare worker being infected by the patient, but also the likelihood of medical mistakes because of fatigue.It has been objectively proven that the right to have a rest,


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How to Cite

S. Khobbi, Y., M. Kurakin, O., Y. Nashynets-Naumova, A., S. Yermakova, G., & О. Gubka V. (2020). Exercise of the right of healthcare workers to rest in the context of fighting Covid-19: experience of PRC, USA, EU countries. Revista San Gregorio, 1(42). https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v1i42.1544