Management mechanisms in the context of digitization of all spheres of society


  • Alina L. Pomaza-Ponomarenko
  • Larysa M. Hren
  • Olena L. Durman
  • Nataliia V. Bondarchuk
  • Vasyl Vorobets



public policy, digitalization, modernization, digital gap.


Digitalization transforms public policy. It forms new models of public administration based on knowledge about the behavior of social groups. This study experimentally confirms the lack of impact of e-government and digitalization on the quality of life. It is proved that the new state policy is not aimed at ensuring socio-economic well-being, but the management of the collective consciousness of the masses. The economic benefits of digitization are insignificant. Digital policy provides a greater level of transparency in order to obtain its own benefits: the development of public-private partnerships, attracting investment in digital infrastructure, openness of digital governance.The article proves that the modernization of public policy under the influence of digitalization forms a new era of digital leadership,


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How to Cite

Pomaza-Ponomarenko, A. L., M. Hren, L., Durman, O. L., Bondarchuk, N. V., & Vorobets, V. (2020). Management mechanisms in the context of digitization of all spheres of society. Revista San Gregorio, 1(42).