Provincial Employees in the Country of Councils on Statistical Data of the 1920s


  • Luiza Kajumovna Karimova
  • Alla Yurievna Shakirov
  • Farkhad Linarovich Gumarov
  • Arseny Ahnafovich Shakirov



soviet employee, tassr, 1920s, social structure, population census, demographic characteristics


The authors of the article study demographic and social characteristics of the Soviet employee of the 1920s. The historical period, we dwell on, seems to be one of the most complex and dramatic in the history of Russia and its regions. The initial period of development of the new state is characterized by the search for optimal ways out of the economic crisis, the formation of a renewed social structure frame, and attempts to show the whole world the achievements of the first years of Soviet power. The study characterizes the socio-demographic category of employees in a particular region of Russia.


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How to Cite

Kajumovna Karimova, L., Yurievna Shakirov, A., Linarovich Gumarov, F., & Ahnafovich Shakirov, A. (2020). Provincial Employees in the Country of Councils on Statistical Data of the 1920s. Revista San Gregorio, 1(41).