The Influence of Islam on the Musical Culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the Domngol Period


  • Rail Ravilovich Fakhrutdinov
  • Marina Maratovna Imasheva
  • Flera Gabdulbarovna Mukhametzyanova
  • Nelya Khabibullovna Nurgayanova
  • Halimova Kadriya Borisovna



music, tatar people, early feudal statehood, islam, musical culture, volga bulgaria, pre-mongol peri


The article presents current issues of the influence of early feudal statehood and Islam on the development of the musical culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the pre-Mongol period. The Tatar people have a long history, writing, literature, and distinctive musical culture. The musical culture of the Tatar people is a unique form of artistic thinking of the people. It reflected historical destinies, living and working conditions, dreams and innermost thoughts of the Tatar people. The music of the Tatar people has changed over various historical periods. She absorbed the layers of new eras. At the same time, the music of the Tatar people has preserved traditions, despite modifications or the creation of a new one.Tatar original musical culture as a stylistic feature had a significant impact on the development of the spiritual culture of a number of peoples of the Middle Volga and Ural regions. Without knowledge of the spiritual culture of the Kazan Tatars and their ancestors, it is impossible to fully comprehend and appreciate the cultural achievements of the modern peoples of the Volga-Ural region.


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How to Cite

Ravilovich Fakhrutdinov, R., Maratovna Imasheva, M., Gabdulbarovna Mukhametzyanova, F., Khabibullovna Nurgayanova, N., & Kadriya Borisovna, H. (2020). The Influence of Islam on the Musical Culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the Domngol Period. Revista San Gregorio, 1(41).