Inter-organizational conflicts and solution strategies


  • Ali TATAR



organization, management, conflict, organizational conflict, conflict management


Conflict is one of the natural elements of organizational life. Conflicts in organizations and the management of these conflicts have a direct impact on the performance and efficiency of organizations. The effective functioning of organizations depends on the optimal level of conflict or effective conflict management. It can be said that well-managed and directed conflicts are beneficial for organizations. In this context, it is important to know the strategies that employees and supervisors adopt when dealing with conflicts and their conflicts. The purpose of this study is to determine the solution strategies that employees adopt in the conflicts experienced by the employees in organizations and to determine whether these strategies differ significantly according to the demographic variables. In this context, data collected from a sample of public sector employees in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) were analyzed. As a result of the analysis conducted in order to determine the conflict resolution strategies and the degree of usage of them, it was determined that the employees used high level of conflict resolution strategy and the other conflict resolution strategies were used in a medium level.


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How to Cite

TATAR, A. (2019). Inter-organizational conflicts and solution strategies. Revista San Gregorio, (36).