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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors


The articles will be admitted from the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems), where they will be processed, and the author registers the document taking into account the following requirements:

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The Metadata of all the authors who have worked on the Article must be registered, with their full names and two surnames, affiliation data, email and ORCID code.
  • It must be declared that the submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal, by means of a certificate of originality that can be downloaded by accessing the following link: Download template.
  • In the event that the article is approved for publication, a certificate of transfer of rights must be sent to Magazine San Gregorio signed by all the authors. The template of this certificate can be downloaded accessed to the following link: Download template.
  • There are no controversies between authors in articles written in co-authorships. In cases of multiple authorship (4 authors or more) a document signed in PDF by all the authors is sent to  informing of the relevance of including each of them in the article based on their participation in it.
  • Whenever possible, URL addresses will be provided for website references


  • Letter-size paper (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm (8 1/2" x 11")); margins of 2.54 cm on all sides of the leaf;
  • Times New Roman font size 12pt.; paragraph alignment to the left without indentation, 1.5 cm line spacing and no paragraph spacing. Italics are used instead of underlined (except in URLs)
  • The numbering should start on the first sheet of the written work and the location of the number should be in the bottom center.
  • Any word that has a tilde or umlaut must respect the respective spelling rule, also applying in capital letters.
  • To refer to the name of organizations, these will be done in the original language followed by their acronym in parentheses and if necessary, their translation into Spanish will be included.
  • To write bibliographic citations within the text, APA standards will be applied seventh edition. Footnote citations are not supported.
  • Footnotes will be used only to explain a small text, not to quote, 10-point font size will be used and should not exceed 5 lines (40 words), if exceeded they should be explained in the body of the text. For footnotes, up to 5 are supported.
  • Photographs, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations, maps and other elements other than tables, should be referred to and named as Figures.
  • All tables, figures and annexes must be referred to in the text of the document before its presentation.
  • Tables and figures should be placed in the appropriate places in the text and after the text in which they are referenced. In case it is necessary to include annexes, these will be placed at the end of the document, after the bibliographic references. Additionally, the figures, tables and annexes must also be sent in a separate document in Word format as a "complementary file", on the journal's platform.
  • Table titles should be placed before the table (above) and figure titles below them.
  • Photographs must have a resolution of 300 dpi. Titles and sources should be clear and concise; and information should be needed to aid reading.


FIRST PAGE. It must contain the following sections:

Title. In Spanish and English, lowercase. Centered alignment. Do not exceed 15 words and that responds to the content of the text.

Data of the Author or Authors. B. Left alignment. It must appear: full names and surnames, academic degree, institutional affiliation (full name, for example, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador), email and ORCID.

Abstract in Spanish. It is written in a single paragraph. It should not exceed 200 words. It must contain the importance and topicality of the topic, objectives pursued, temporal and spatial context of the research, methodology used, progress of findings and conclusions. It should be written impersonally, e.g., "The present study analyzes..." or "In the present study it is analyzed..."

Abstract. It is written in a single paragraph. It must not exceed 200 words and must express the same content of the abstract in Spanish, the translation must be written in style. It is suggested not to use automatic translators, just like for the title, and keywords.

Keywords in Spanish and English. Between three and five words or groups of sentences, ordered alphabetically, the first with initial capitalization, the rest in lowercase, separated by semicolons (;), must be presented in Spanish and English (Keywords).


It must contain the following sections, all of them with alignment to the left, in bold and lowercase:

Introduction. It must make clear the background, foundation and purpose of the study, objectives and problems treated, using bibliographic citations, as well as the review of the most significant literature on the subject at the national and international level.

Methodology. It must be presented with sufficient clarity and detail so that another researcher can replicate the study. The sample and sampling strategies shall be described, as well as reference shall be made to the type of statistical analysis used.

Results. The data should be presented clearly and succinctly. There should be no redundancy between text, tables and figures. The analysis must be consistent with the type of data, which must be well executed and interpreted.

Discussion. The results must be located within the framework of the research presented in the introduction. Literature should be properly managed with adequate and sufficient citations.

Note: If the author considers it, he can present and discuss the results in an integrated way in a section entitled Results and discussion

Conclusions. They must be written clearly and in relation to the objectives and the interpretation and discussion of the results.

Bibliographic references.

All works cited in the body of the text should appear in the references section in alphabetical order and whenever possible, URLs will be provided for website references. American Psychological Association (APA) System, 7th Edition ( must be followed.

It is recommended to use Bibliographic Managers such as Zotero (, Mendeley ( or another manager that you consider appropriate.


The works to be submitted by the authors must be original, have not been published in any medium, nor be in the process of publication, being the total responsibility of the authors the fulfillment and observance of this norm. Applications in the journal can be:

Original scientific research articles: The original results of completed research projects are presented in detail and with evidence. In general, the structure should contain four basic and mandatory sections: introduction, methodology, results and discussion and conclusions. Its length will be up to 6000 words and at least 15 bibliographic references.

Reflection articles: Meta-research documents on a specific topic that present theoretical elaborations, critical interpretations, conceptualizations related to epistemological aspects or methodological constructions, derived from research completed by the authors. Its length will be up to 7000 words and at least 20 bibliographic references.

Review articles: Documents that present state-of-the-art or exhaustive reviews that account for advances and trends in a particular field of knowledge, topic or problem. They are characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review, to start from a systematic process of selection and analysis of texts, and have an important and relevant number of references to research and theoretical works. Its length will be up to 8000 words and at least 30 bibliographic references.

Case Study: The results of a study on a particular situation are presented and described, making known the technical and methodological experiences and the material obtained when working with an individual, organization or specific situation, to describe a problem or indicate how to solve it. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on analogous cases. It is important that it contains a detailed description of the case and a discussion of it.  Its length will be up to 4000 words and at least 15 bibliographic references.

Theoretical articles: Presents the results of a process of analysis of the structure of a theory or some of its concepts, in order to enrich, refine and expand the constructions and theoretical bases of a problem under study. Its extension up to 4000 words.

Systematization of professional practices: The articles of systematization of professional practices, allows to build and explain the knowledge that has been or is being produced in a certain experience by different subjects, through the analysis and evaluation of the actions developed. Its extension up to 4,000 words.

Other texts (not postulated for indexing processes)

Reviews of books, bibliographies, experiences or theses recently developed.

The decisions of the members of the Scientific Committee will be respected by the Editorial Board and by the author or authors, as long as they do not intend to change the content expressed by the author or authors. In the latter case, the author or authors must communicate their position to the Editorial Board with a reasoned and validly supported report. The final decision on publication will be based on the majority opinion of the Editorial Board.



Se presentan, de manera detallada y con evidencias, los resultados originales de proyectos de investigación terminados. En general, la estructura debe contener cuatro apartados básicos y obligatorios: introducción, metodología, resultados y discusión y conclusiones. Su extensión será hasta 6000 palabras y 15 referencias bibliográficas como mínimo.


Documentos que presentan estados del arte o revisiones exhaustivas que dan cuenta de los avances y las tendencias en un campo de conocimiento, una temática o una problemática particular. Se caracterizan por presentar una cuidadosa revisión bibliográfica, a partir de un proceso sistemático de selección y análisis de los textos, y tener una cantidad importante y pertinente de referencias a investigaciones y obras teóricas. Su extensión será hasta 8000 palabras y 30 referencias bibliográficas como mínimo.


Documentos de metainvestigación sobre un tema específico que presentan elaboraciones teóricas, interpretaciones críticas, conceptualizaciones relacionadas con aspectos epistemológicos o construcciones metodológicas, derivadas de investigaciones terminadas por los autores. Su extensión será hasta 7000 palabras y 20 referencias bibliográficas como mínimo.


Presenta los resultados de un proceso de análisis de la estructura de una teoría o de algunos de sus conceptos, con el fin de enriquecer, refinar y ampliar las construcciones y bases teóricas de un problema objeto de estudio. Su extensión hasta 4000 palabras.


Se presentan y describen los resultados de un estudio sobre una situación particular, dando a conocer las experiencias técnicas y metodológicas y el material obtenido al trabajar con un individuo, organización o situación específica, para describir un problema o indicar cómo resolverlo. Incluye una revisión sistemática comentada de la literatura sobre casos análogos. Es importante que contenga una descripción detallada del caso y una discusión sobre el mismo.  Su extensión será hasta 4000 palabras y 15 referencias bibliográficas como mínimo.


Los artículos de sistematización de prácticas profesionales, permite construir y explicitar los saberes que han sido o están siendo producidos en una determinada experiencia por diferentes sujetos, mediante el análisis y valoración de las acciones desarrolladas. Su extensión hasta 4,000 palabras.


Se refiere a recensiones, reseñas de libros, traducciones y actualización de artículos y temas de interés científico en general que tengan que ver con aspectos metodológicos, resultados experimentales o divulgación científica. Su extensión será 1.000 palabras.

Para el caso de reseñas de libros se debe adjuntar foto de portada, ISBN, año, autor, editorial y lugar. Se receptarán reseñas de libros publicados en los últimos 5 años.

Para el caso de reseñas de libros se debe adjuntar foto de portada, ISBN, año, autor, editorial y lugar.

Se receptarán reseñas de libros publicados en los últimos 5 años.

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