Comparative Analysis Of Russian, English, Korean Fairy And Animalistic Tales


  • Enzhe Dusaeva kazan federal university, institute of international relations, history and oriental studies


Palabras clave:

folklore, culture, korean tales, russian tales, english tales, nation, traditional culture.


The problem of this topic is reflected in the need for understanding and awareness of other cultures. The barrier of cultures becomes obvious only when the native culture collides (or compares) with others different from it. That is why we considered it necessary to research and compare different types of cultures, namely, their representatives are tales, since they are familiar to us from childhood and which reflect the soul of the people. In our research, we decided to consider folklore texts A.N. Afanas`eva [2014], N.E. Onchukova [2017] and other authors. Methodological and theoretic base of research compose fundamental studies for theory of text and folklore (A.N. Veselovsky [1939], V.I. Gusev [1995], I.I. Kravcov [1977], E.V. Pomeranceva [1975] etc). Main method is comparative analysis folkloristic texts. As a result of our research, we came to the conclusion that the religious, cultural and other preconceptions of nations are not a barrier for appreciation of the different cultures. Russian, English, Korean cultural mentality are different, but have common features. All tales connect advocacy of positive humanity, exposure of the evil, acculturate. We consider general national aspect in every tale, in particular educe national specific of folklore, and conclude that it has similar didactic tasks and there is cultural historical value for every nations, because this form of folklore factor influenced the cultural and social progress. This conclusion is based on comparative analysis and historical fact correlation.


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Cómo citar

Dusaeva, E. (2018). Comparative Analysis Of Russian, English, Korean Fairy And Animalistic Tales. Revista San Gregorio, 1(23), 17–23.