Features of Using Automated Control Systems at the Enterprises of the Hotel Business


  • Elena A. Kostromina
  • Nina V. Dmitrieva
  • Larisa N. Saburova
  • Yuri V. Kudrov



Palabras clave:

Information Technology, Business Processes, Joint Ventures, Market Competition, Labour Resources


The development of information technologies today implies opportunities for the development and implementation of automated systems in various applied areas, implying the need for information processing, the formation of various data representations. The modern economy operating in a competitive market, makes demands on the timeliness of information processing, the improvement of production organization technologies, the efficiency and long-term planning, forecasting and analysis of economic activities.



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Cómo citar

A. Kostromina, E., V. Dmitrieva, N., N. Saburova, L., & V. Kudrov, Y. (2021). Features of Using Automated Control Systems at the Enterprises of the Hotel Business. Revista San Gregorio, 1(44). https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v1i44.1603