Averchenko’s Narrative Peculiarities


  • Elnara A. Bahicha




satirist, arkady averchenko, concept, individual style, person, life, revolution, light, darkness


The article discusses the features of the artistic style by Arkady Averchenko. It is proved that the satirist created a number of unique satirical types, using specific techniques of the comic. It is possible to reveal the features of Averchenko's individual style with the help of culturally marked language units - linguocultural concepts. It is proved that the key linguistic and cultural concepts are HUMAN / ЧЕЛОВЕК, LIFE / ЖИЗНЬ, REVOLUTION / РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ, LIGHT / СВЕТ and DARKNESS / ТЬМА.



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How to Cite

A. Bahicha, E. (2019). Averchenko’s Narrative Peculiarities. Revista San Gregorio, (34). https://doi.org/10.36097/rsan.v0i34.1170