Regularities of restoration of NFS indicators of disabled athletes after completion of muscle loading depending on the degree of lower limbs


  • L.I. Vakhitov Kazan Federal University, 420008, Kazan, ul. Kremlyovskaya, 18



wheelchair basketball players, muscle loads, heart rate, stroke volume, recovery period, heart pump


In this article, the reaction of heart rate and stroke volume of athletes with disabilities to the performance of a standardized muscular load and the characteristics of their recovery after the completion of the load was studied. Athletes are divided into two groups. The first groups are wheelchair basketball players with amputated lower limbs. The second group is wheelchair basketball players with lower limb atrophy. A comparative analysis of heart rate and stroke volume was performed at rest when performing a muscular load and after it was completed. It was revealed that among basketball players with amputated lower limbs, heart rate indices are higher, while the values of ASW are significantly lower than among basketball players with atrophy of lower limbs. It has been established that basketball players with amputated lower limbs react to muscle load with large changes in AEC than athletes with atrophied lower limbs. It was revealed that basketball amputated lower limbs recovery of heart rate and CRM approximately to the level of the initial values after the completion of muscle load occurs much faster than basketball players with atrophy of the lower extremities


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How to Cite

Vakhitov, L. (2019). Regularities of restoration of NFS indicators of disabled athletes after completion of muscle loading depending on the degree of lower limbs. Revista San Gregorio, 1(32), 37–42.