Revista San Gregorio <p>"Revista San Gregorio" is a scientific journal aimed at national and international undergraduate and postgraduate professors, researchers, and students. It invites submissions to contribute to the goal of disseminating scientific knowledge, with main focuses on engaging with the relevant scientific community and fostering critical reflective debate.</p> <p><strong>This is an open-access journal, published quarterly, and subject to external peer review. The editorial process is entirely free of charge.</strong></p> <p>The Editorial Committee prioritizes articles that emerge from research projects linked to the following academic areas:</p> <p>Health: Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine, and Occupational Health</p> <p>Technical Fields: Architecture, Graphic Design, and Computing</p> <p>Social Sciences: Communication, Law, and Education</p> <p>Business: Business Administration, Auditing and Accounting, Marketing, Finance, and Tourism.</p> Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo es-ES Revista San Gregorio 1390-7247 <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="" width="326" height="114" /></a>Esta obra está bajo una <a href="" target="_self" rel="license">Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)</a>.</p> Editorial N. 58 june 2024 Equipo Editorial Copyright (c) 2024 Cesar Andraus Quintero 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 Artificial intelligence and criminal process <p>Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that has revolutionized numerous fields, including criminal prosecution. Currently, AI systems are being developed that are capable of analyzing large amounts of data, which can help courts make more informed and accurate decisions. The aim of this article is to explore and analyze the role of this tool in the improvement and optimization of criminal proceedings, in each of their stages or phases. Through a bibliographic methodology, all the information has been collected to understand the use of AI in the criminal process to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal process, as well as the identification of patterns in large data sets. As a result of the present research, it was possible to evidence, among others, AI-based systems to study the most likely suspects and crime patterns that can help prevent future crimes. After the analysis performed, in addition to arriving at several other conclusions, it is important to point out that the use of AI in the criminal process also raises concerns about privacy and data security, as well as questions about how AI can affect judicial decision making, as some fear that AI algorithms may be biased or discriminatory.</p> Ramiro José García Falconí Katherine Barona Pazmiño Copyright (c) 2024 Ramiro José García Falconí, Katherine Barona Pazmiño 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 101 110 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2808 Microbiota intestinal, probióticos y su relación con el trastorno depresivo mayor: una revisión bibliográfica <p>El trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) ha ganado relevancia en los últimos años, ya que es una de las principales causas de discapacidad a nivel mundial y ejerce un impacto significativo en la vida diaria de quienes lo experimentan. La relación entre la disbiosis intestinal y el TDM ha surgido como un componente crucial en el ámbito de la salud mental. La microbiota intestinal, que abarca una amplia diversidad de microorganismos, establece una conexión bidireccional con el TDM a través del eje microbiota-intestino-cerebro, la neuroinflamación y alteración de la función cerebral. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo, analizar la relación entre los problemas de equilibrio de los microorganismos en el intestino (fenómeno conocido como “disbiosis”) y el TDM. Se adoptó un enfoque cualitativo que combinó análisis bibliográfico y descriptivo, priorizando fuentes primarias en psicología, neurociencia y microbiología. Se examinaron investigaciones en inglés y español desde 2019 hasta 2023 utilizando motores de búsqueda y bases de datos reconocidas. En este contexto, se observó que el uso de probióticos se ha vuelto cada vez más relevante como parte del tratamiento complementario para el TDM. Los probióticos, como <em>Lactobacillus plantarum</em> DP189 y la bacteria <em>Roseburia intestinalis</em>, ejercen un impacto positivo en la microbiota intestinal, integridad de la barrera hematoencefálica y producción de neurotransmisores. La revisión destaca el papel crucial de la microbiota intestinal en el TDM y la prometedora utilidad de los probióticos como tratamiento complementario. Esto sugiere nuevas perspectivas terapéuticas y subraya</p> Angel Alberto Barcia Jijón Mario A. García Pérez René Tejedor Arias Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Alberto Barcia Jijón, Mario A. García Pérez, René Tejedor Arias 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 111 118 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2756 Computer Crimes: The Ecuador Case <p>The present study aims to analyze the different types of internet attacks and how they are classified as crimes in the Ecuadorian Comprehensive Organic Penal Code. The research relies on a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis of the collected literature, which involved a thorough review of documents, books, journal articles, and websites about various cybercrimes that occur in Ecuador. The focus is on the vulnerability of users and services on the web, with an emphasis on cyberattacks, and how computer crimes are classified in Ecuadorian laws. In conclusion, it is established that Ecuador lacks a legislative framework to support the security of citizens' information. Additionally, there are shortcomings in relation to the classification of computer crimes, as well as the recognition of different activities that contribute to these crimes and the absence of promotion of secure protocols in response to user vulnerability.</p> Manuel Alexander Ponce Tubay Copyright (c) 2024 Manuel Alexander Ponce Tubay 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 119 123 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2667 POLITICAL PARTICIPATION, DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS <p>This article tries to interpret the meaning of "Democracy" as conceptualized by the ancient Greeks later in the time of Republican Rome, until reaching how democracy is perceived today, taking into account that although it is born from the word Greek dêmokratía which means the power of the people, in its beginnings in Athens, it was not so democratic, since not everyone had access to elect Magistrates and meet in the AGORA where the Athenians discussed the laws and the Political future, at present the concept of Democracy in a human right that gives legitimacy to the Rule of Law where the will of the people is reflected in the right to elect and be elected, to express their political opinions.</p> Dayton Francisco Farfán Pinoargote Karen Lorena Briones Cedeño Brenner Fabian Diaz Rodriguez Mallury Elizabeth Alcívar Toala Copyright (c) 2024 Dayton Francisco Farfán Pinoargote, Karen Lorena Briones Cedeño, Brenner Fabian Diaz Rodriguez, Mallury Elizabeth Alcívar Toala 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 124 131 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2510 Socioeconomic overview of long-lived companies in Ecuadorian Coastal Zone 4 <p>The objective of the study is to describe by 2022 the socioeconomic composition of active companies considered as long-lived with an age equal to or greater than 25 years within Zone 4 according to the territorial system of Ecuador.&nbsp; The analysis is developed through a descriptive and transversal study with an inductive quantitative basis approach carried out through the documentary inquiry in official databases.&nbsp; From a total of 199 companies analyzed, the investigation shows that none of them exceeds one hundred years and that most of the organizations are microenterprises, which to some extent evidences a stagnation in the growth of their total income.</p> Carla de los Ángeles Ojeda Zambrano Copyright (c) 2024 Carla de los Ángeles Ojeda Zambrano 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 1 9 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2484 Calidad en el posgrado académico: diseño y validación de un instrumento de evaluación <p>La autoevaluación de los programas de maestría impartidos total o parcialmente en entornos virtuales permite la mejora de estos y favorece la toma de decisiones basada en evidencias. La eficacia de la autoevaluación depende de los indicadores utilizados por lo que es indispensable determinar el valor de estos. El objetivo del trabajo fue implementar un instrumento de evaluación de los indicadores para la autoevaluación de la calidad de los programas virtuales de maestría. Se realizó la identificación y análisis de artículos científicos, guías de diseño y normas técnicas que abordan la evaluación de indicadores. Se empleó el motor de búsqueda de Google y Google Académico con las palabras clave: indicadores, sistemas de indicadores, evaluación de indicadores. Como resultado del análisis se identificaron seis criterios de calidad de los indicadores utilizados en la autoevaluación de los programas virtuales de maestría. Se elaboró un instrumento para medir estos seis criterios mediante una escala de Likert de cinco niveles. La prueba piloto del instrumento diseñado permitió su validación y mejorar los indicadores utilizados en la autoevaluación de los programas virtuales de maestría en la Cátedra de Calidad, Metrología y Normalización de la Universidad de La Habana.</p> Fridel Julio Ramos Azcuy Rosa Mayelin Guerra Bretaña María Beatriz Valencia Bonilla Copyright (c) 2024 Fridel Julio Ramos Azcuy, Rosa Mayelin Guerra Bretaña, María Beatriz Valencia Bonilla 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 10 16 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2732 New trends in sustainable tourism in the construction of the new normal <p>The tourism sector today is marked by management concepts, spaces and the economic vision of regions, territories and cities. Furthermore, it is appreciated that, as an industry and as a field, it must contribute to sustainable social and community development in order to raise the quality of life of the inhabitants. The objective of the research was aimed at analyzing the new trends in sustainable tourism after Covid-19. To achieve this, a mixed design was implemented in two stages, with a bibliometric study as the main one and a hermeneutical review of the literature adapted to the cognitive interests and goals of the research. The results of the first stage showed a slight increase in production from 2022 to 2023, with the most representative areas being social sciences and environmental sciences. In the second stage, the relationship between sustainability and tourism was examined within the framework of the sustainable development objectives, as well as the main trends and challenges.</p> Verenice Sánchez Castillo Tulio Andrés Clavijo Gallego Rolando Eslava Zapata Copyright (c) 2024 Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Tulio Andrés Clavijo Gallego, Rolando Eslava Zapata 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 17 30 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2922 The Role of Institutional Context in Perceived Mental Workload in Educational Institutions: Implications for Teacher Quality of Work Life Management. <p>The aim of this study is to analyze the perceived mental workload in two educational institutions with similar socioeconomic and geographic characteristics. A non-experimental quantitative cross-sectional methodology was chosen, using the NASA TLX to measure mental workload, subjecting the data to a non-parametric analysis of variance Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and the DSCF test for post hoc comparisons. The results revealed that differences in perceived workload are more related to institutional context than to individual factors such as age, gender, or the location of the courses taught by the instructors. This suggests that the internal characteristics of educational institutions and the coping skills used by instructors are crucial for understanding and properly managing perceived mental workload. These findings underscore the importance of tailoring mental workload management strategies to the specific characteristics of each educational institution to enhance the professional quality of life and, ultimately, the quality of education they provide.</p> Marisol Ramirez Peña Diego Fernando Lotero Vasquez Daydu Milena Robayo Barrios Danny Rachit Garrido Raad Copyright (c) 2024 Marisol Ramirez Peña, Diego Fernando Lotero Vasquez, Daydu Milena Robayo Barrios, Danny Rachit Garrido Raad 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 31 39 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2637 Khan Academy como estrategia digital para el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático <p>La moderna Sociedad del Conocimiento percibe una innovadora característica basada en manejar los contenidos curriculares, potenciando el pensamiento lógico matemático por medio de plataformas y aplicaciones digitales. El objetivo del presente trabajo se centraliza en analizar estrategias didácticas aplicadas por docentes para potenciar las habilidades matemáticas en los estudiantes del nivel de Bachillerato General Unificado dentro de la Unidad Educativa “Eidan Abel Erique Cercado” del cantón San Vicente. El aspecto metodológico se basó en el enfoque mixto, empleando como instrumento primordial una prueba pedagógica que mide las destrezas del pensamiento numérico, así como los indicios de una entrevista semi estructurada y los aportes de docentes del área de matemáticas como participantes dentro de un grupo focal. Se comprobó la predisposición para un trabajo orientado bajo la plataforma Khan Academy, necesaria para beneficiar las habilidades del pensamiento numérico poco perfeccionadas en el estudiante. Finalmente, se denotaron aquellas estrategias empleadas por los docentes las cuales no afirman una estimulación consistente para potenciar las habilidades numéricas, demostradas bajo un nivel poco aceptable en el afianzamiento de la resolución de problemas con enfoque matemático en los estudiantes.</p> <p> </p> Erick Xavier Vélez Basurto Cindy Bucarán Intriago Gabriel García Murillo Copyright (c) 2024 Erick Xavier Vélez Basurto, Cindy Bucarán Intriago, Gabriel García Murillo 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 40 45 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2739 Socioeconomic and permanence conditions in Dentistry students, University San Gregorio de Portoviejo <p>Worldwide, student retention is an important factor in generating strategies that contribute to reducing the dropout rate and guaranteeing the successful completion of the students' academic processes. The research work aims to: Analyze the socioeconomic conditions and the permanence of students in the Dentistry career of the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University. The research was directed with a positivist approach and used the non-experimental correlational quantitative method, considering a sample of 292 students, to whom a virtual survey was applied using Google Forms and a questionnaire with a Likert scale. For data analysis, version 25.0 of the IBM SPSS v25 computer statistical software was used; (Statistical Package for Social Sciences/Statistical Package for Social Sciences); According to the descriptive and inferential statistical procedure, it is determined that the correlation is significant at a bilateral level of 0.01, there being a positive relationship between socioeconomic conditions and permanence.</p> Saul Vicente Alvarado Roldán Noris Beatriz Juliana Muñoz Macías Copyright (c) 2024 Saul Vicente Alvarado Roldán, Noris Beatriz Juliana Muñoz Macías 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 56 62 Análisis de la identidad visual corporativa de los medios periodísticos digitales de Manabí <p><span class="s24"><span class="bumpedFont15">In the current context of digital communication in Manabí, digital journalistic media play a fundamental role in the dissemination of news, adapting to a connected and demanding public. This study focuses on understanding the corporate visual identity of these media, evaluating design, colors, </span></span><span class="s24"><span class="bumpedFont15">typography</span></span><span class="s24"><span class="bumpedFont15">and visual elements in its online projection. A mixed approach was used, selecting five media by scope and trajectory. The findings revealed the prioritization of visual content, with images and videos as tools to engage audiences and strengthen brand recognition. This strategy is aligned with digital marketing trends, although some media could improve visual consistency and audience interaction. The research highlights the importance of visual identity in the perception of digital media and its influence on online recognition. Results indicate that audience interaction and engagement can be enhanced by strategies observed in certain media, reflecting on the virality and reach of journalistic content, providing valuable insights for digital media in a highly competitive and ever-changing environment.</span></span></p> Cesar Enrique Andraus Quintero Erika Thalía Ramírez Véliz Copyright (c) 2024 Cesar Enrique Andraus Quintero, Erika Thalía Ramírez Véliz 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 1 58 63 69 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2539 Analysis of visual pollution in Portoviejo, Ecuador through a comparative study with the city of Londrina in Brazil <p>The present investigation seeks to carry out a comparative study between the existing regulations in the city of Londrina, Brazil, known as the "Clean City Law" and the "Ordinance that Regulates the Installation of Advertising Media and Electoral Propaganda in the Public and Private Space" in the city of Portoviejo, Ecuador. This research will be developed with the purpose of raising awareness on the issue of visual pollution, emphasizing the urgent need for adequate regulation for this situation, all with the aim of protecting the urban landscape and the citizens who inhabit it. It takes as a reference the analysis of the "Clean City Law", applied in Londrina, Brazil, to reduce visual pollution, from the latter recommendations were extracted that can be implemented to the "Ordinance that Regulates the Installation of Advertising Media and Electoral Propaganda in the Public and Private Space" of the city of Portoviejo, with this it is intended to achieve better management and control over technical aspects of commercial signage and likewise reduce the environmental impact caused by visual contamination in the public spaces of the city.</p> Orlando Rafael Lazo Pastó Anthony Luis Alava Delgado Kenny Jaritza Quijije Mendoza Rauny Javier Limonta Más Copyright (c) 2024 Orlando Rafael Lazo Pastó, Anthony Luis Alava Delgado, Kenny Jaritza Quijije Mendoza, Rauny Javier Limonta Más 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 70 77 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2828 Academic Stress in Health Behavior in University Students of Metropolitan Lima <p>University students are commonly subjected to stressful situations that directly and indirectly impact the development of healthy behaviors. This research aims to evaluate how academic stress affects the health behavior of students at a university in Metropolitan Lima. A non-experimental, quantitative, and correlational study was applied, using the Health Behavior Questionnaire for young university students (CEV-JU) and the SISCO-21 Academic Stress Inventory, applied to 708 students in which the sample was intentional non-probabilistic. The results showed that stress symptoms, stressors, and coping strategies were significantly associated with general health behavior and some dimensions. Likewise, it was found that the most significant predictors of health behavior outcomes were the coping strategies and the symptom dimension. These findings highlight the importance of designing and implementing programs and interventions aimed at adequately managing stress to promote healthy habits among university students.</p> Evelyn Naire Arpi Barazorda Alisson Adriana Geronimo Angulo Gabriela de los Angeles Huertas Rojas Natalia Rosselyn Torres Candiotti Jesús Manuel Guerrero Alcedo Copyright (c) 2024 Evelyn Naire Arpi Barazorda, Alisson Adriana Geronimo Angulo, Gabriela de los Angeles Huertas Rojas, Natalia Rosselyn Torres Candiotti, Jesús Manuel Guerrero Alcedo 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 78 86 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2508 Factores influyentes en los niveles de estrés del trabajador por cuenta propia en la provincia Manabí, Ecuador <p>The high labor demand imposed by the nature of entrepreneurship can be overwhelming. Freelancers often take on multiple roles, from financial management to daily operations, in an environment not always favorable. This accumulation of responsibilities, beyond being a practical challenge, significantly impacts entrepreneurs' ability to effectively manage stress. From this perspective, the study focuses on analyzing some internal and external influential factors contributing to unfavorable health conditions for self-employed workers, founders of small businesses in Ecuador, case: Manabí. Using a quantitative methodology and applying logistic regression, the results reveal a significant impact on the stress levels of this group, particularly due to incurred debts, extensive working hours limiting leisure and family well-being, and some external obstacles such as limited access to funding, customs and commercial regulations, competition, lack of demand, and economic uncertainty. This study not only provides a deep insight into the stress experiences of self-employed workers but also emphasizes the urgent need for specific policies to address these challenges and promote a healthier business environment.</p> Zita Lucia Zambrano Santos Nuria Ceular Villamandos Virginia Navajas Romero Copyright (c) 2024 Zita Lucia Zambrano Santos, Nuria Ceular Villamandos, Virginia Navajas Romero 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 58 87 100 10.36097/rsan.v1i58.2813