Constitutionalization of Assistance in Foreign Countries


  • Sergey A. Ivanov


Palabras clave:

constitution, state assistance, legal assistance, subjective law, legal guarantee


Legal Profession in Russia has taken a category of assistance from constitutional level on a large scale and in different aspects . Significant improvement in characteristics of legal phenomena is a comparative jurisprudence method, and so, there is no exception to the assistance that has been declared in the species diversity of constitutional norms. In this study, commonality of historical development stage was a basis for separation of focus group from Commonwealth countries of Independent States (CIS) constitutions. In this study, authors established a variety of recipients from state aid, individual and collective, as well as a distinctly different legal nature; and prevalence of rules reflecting assistance as a subjective truth against the  guarantee norms. This research was carried out as a RFBR project No. 19-011-00720 entitled “Development of Scientific Foundations of Legal Urbanology as a New Integrated Direction in Legal Science of Cities”.


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Cómo citar

A. Ivanov, S. (2019). Constitutionalization of Assistance in Foreign Countries. Revista San Gregorio, 1(30).